44.1 F
West Bend

Cedar Community Receives 2021 Customer Experience Award | By Carrie Sturn

April 6, 2021 – West Bend, WI – Cedar Community is proud to announce it is the recipient of Pinnacle Quality Insight’s 2021 Customer Experience Award™. Qualifying for the award in the category of independent living, Cedar Community displays a continued dedication to providing best-in-class senior lifestyle services.

Julie Gabelmann, Vice President of Independent Living said receiving the award as an honor. “We truly appreciate everything our team members do to provide life-enriching programming and an environment for our residents to fully enjoy the many advantages of living more in their retirement years.”

Throughout its more than 67-year history of serving the community, Cedar Community has placed a strong emphasis on ensuring the individual needs of every resident are met. Over the course of 2020, a sampling of Cedar Community’s customers and their families have participated in monthly telephone interviews that include open-ended questions, as well the opportunity to rate Cedar Community in specific categories.

Every month, Cedar Community has gathered its real-time survey results to gain a better understanding of the resident’s needs and make improvements when necessary. By qualifying for the Pinnacle Customer Experience Award™, Cedar Community has satisfied the rigorous demand of scoring in the top 15 percent of the nation across a 12-month average.  To learn more visit, pinnacleqi.com/awards/the-recipients.

About Pinnacle Quality Insight

A customer satisfaction measurement firm with 25 years of experience in post-acute healthcare, Pinnacle conducts over 150,000 phone surveys each year and works with more than 2,500 care providers in all 50 US states, Canada, and Puerto Rico.

About Cedar Community

Live more at Cedar Community, where their natural settings, faith-based mission, and high-quality services afford seniors the opportunity to live a more purposeful, fulfilled life among family and friends. From beautiful homes and apartments for active and independent retirees, to assisted living, short-term care and rehabilitation, skilled nursing, memory loss services, and home health and hospice, Cedar Community is the only not-for-profit senior retirement community in Washington County providing comprehensive residential and health care services for adults age 55 and better.

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