Letter to the Editor | Washington Co. Executive dismisses 32,219 constituents after Shared Sales...
September 8, 2023 - Washington Co., WI - It’s become clear that County Executive Josh Schoemann doesn’t care about the voices of Washington County constituents—32,219 to be exact. This is the number of voters...
Letter to the Editor | Isn’t it ironic … we pray but the...
August 23, 2023 - West Bend, WI - Isn't it ironic? Isn’t it ironic that when something bad happens in life, we pray, but the children can’t do so at school? Isn’t it ironic...
Thanks to winning bidder/local support at Washington County Fair | By James Maas
Washington Co., WI - My name is James Maas; I am part of the Kewaskum High School FFA. My steer Nova and I had a fantastic night on Thursday for my 4th Washington County...
Thank you to bidders and buyers of steers at Washington County Fair | Tessa...
Washington Co., WI - My name is Makenna Smith and I showed my steer and heifer at the Washington County Fair with the Wisconsin Junior Hereford Association.
I would like to thank Cedar Lake Sales...
Market lamb goes for $25.00/lb; 4-H’er says “thank you” | By Katie/Kenna Boden
August 9, 2023 - Washington Co., WI - Thank you for posting so many updates on the Washington County Fair throughout the week. My daughter's name is Kenna Boden; she is 12 years old...
Thank you to buyers of market lamb and hog at Washington County Fair Livestock...
August 8, 2023 - Washington County, WI - Thank You to Thunder Pallet for purchasing my market hog, Blacky, at the Washington County Fair Youth Livestock Auction. I greatly appreciate your generosity and support.
Last year to show; thank you to bidders, buyers at Washington County Fair Livestock...
August 4, 2023 - Washington Co., WI - My name is Jillian Schwake and this is my final year showing as a Wayne Crusader 4-H member. I would like to say thank you to...
Local 4-H family thanks buyers & supporters at Washington County Fair | By Dornacker...
August 3, 2023 - Washington County, WI - A big thanks to K and J Enterprises for purchasing my 135-pound lamb for $13.50/lb last week at the Washington County Fair Junior Livestock Auction. He...
A note of ‘thanks’ as Blue ribbon lamb goes for $12/lb at Washington County...
Washington County, WI - A huge thank you to Acer Tree & Landscape for purchasing my 135-pound market lamb "Turbo" for $12/pound at the Junior Livestock Auction at the Washington County Fair.
I am 10...
Thank you for supporting our lamb project | By Kate and Jack Dornacker
Washington County, WI - Thank you goes to Roemer Family Farms for purchasing our market lambs at the Washington County Junior Livestock Auction at the Washington County Fair.
Kate is 15 years old and Jack...
Last year showing livestock at the fair; thank you to supporters and buyers |...
August 1, 2023 - Washington County, WI - I am Maggie Bartelt and this was my last year showing livestock at the Washington County Fair. Raising animals has taught me so much and I'm...
Letter to the Editor | Offering vile materials, even as a choice, is causing...
July 29, 2023 - West Bend, WI - I am appalled that the West Bend School District is offering inappropriate books to students, books that even our local library shelves for adults. Booklooks.org has...
Letter to the Editor | “Sound of Freedom” speaks to inappropriate books in WB...
July 27, 2023 - West Bend, WI - Recently, I was overwhelmed by the well-done movie Sound of Freedom, which is based on a true story about the worldwide epidemic of child trafficking for...
Letter to the Editor | Thank you to German Night sponsors and volunteers |...
Washington Co., WI - Thank you to National Exchange Bank and Trust, Washington County Insider, and Westbury Bank for sponsoring German Night. The park was full of people of all ages, the weather was fantastic,...
Letter to the Editor | Appropriate books and appropriate education | By Claudia F....
July 24, 2023 - Washington County, WI - How did “The 57 Bus” and “The Kite Runner,” books used in our local middle and high schools, capture the interest of concerned West Bend School...
Letter to the Editor | Proper operation of civil government guided by Bible ...
July 23, 2023 - West Bend, WI - Did you know that “separation of church and state” is not found anywhere in the U.S. Constitution or the Declaration of Independence? It was not even...
Letter to the Editor | Where are the adults in these schools? | By...
July 22, 2023 - West Bend, Wi - Regarding the books '57 Bus' and 'Kite Runner' being available to middle and high schoolers, where are the adults in these schools? What on earth are...
Letter to the Editor | Human Growth & Development Classroom policies are useless |...
July 20, 2023 - West Bend, WI - After reading editorials and newspaper articles about the inappropriate books in the West Bend School District, I have come to the realization that I was hoodwinked...
Letter to the Editor | When are we going to stop experimenting on our...
July 19, 2023 - West Bend, WI - Recently a group of people have revealed to the public a number of books that, by the cover, seem harmless.
When those covers are opened, they read...
Letter to the Editor | Book review committee stacked | By Carol C. Mayer
July 19, 2023 - West Bend, WI - I am writing regarding my concern for the fairness of the book challenges at the West Bend School District. The procedure seems to be stacked against...