Letter to the Editor | I will be voting November 3, 2020 ...
September 15, 2020 - West Bend, WI - My vote on November 3 will go to President Trump. I agree with his basic premise of America first. As a country, we really have to...
Letter to the Editor | Looking ahead to November election |...
September 11, 2020 - Washington Co., WI - Recently I have heard from a number of Conservatives/Republicans, having doubts about Pres. Trump. Very disturbing.
I do not like some of his tactics, verbiage and temperament....
Letter to the Editor | Debates encouraged in Fifth Congressional District race ...
September 9, 2020 - Washington Co., WI - With Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner retiring from his fifth Congressional seat, it's tremendously important that citizens get an open and informed view of the prospective candidates to...
Letter to the Editor | Making the State House in Madison veto-proof ...
September 9, 2020 - Washington Co., WI - I read Carroll Merry’s comments regarding the efforts to getting a recall started to remove Governor Evers and he is right on.
Efforts would be better spent...
Letter to the Editor | Don’t recall Gov. Evers, neutralize him with veto-proof legislature...
September 2, 2020 - Germantown, WI - While doing business errands today I noticed a make-shift corner display with some very well-meaning citizens asking passers-by to stop and sign a recall petition against Governor...
Letter to the Editor | Survey input on leadership, policy position and temperament ...
August 28, 2020 - West Bend, WI - I recently took a look at a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center that came out the first week in August. It revealed why voters...
Letter to the Editor | Please preserve our Rustic Road in Town of Erin...
August 12, 2020 - Town of Erin, WI - A copy of the letter that was sent to the Town Clerk regarding Rustic Road 33 has been forwarded and posted below courtesy Michael Meidel.
Letter to the Editor | Why not save the scenic drive on Rustic Roads...
August 10, 2020 - Town of Erin, WI - A daily commute on Hartford's "Rustic Roads," can readily be appreciated as a scenic "Sunday drive," in most cases. Its majestic trees and winding roads...
Letter to the Editor | Vote for Actions not Tone | By Jean Merry
August 9, 2020 - Germantown, WI - So, you can’t vote for President Trump because of the tone of his Tweets? But are you okay with how he put America back to work and...
Letter to the Editor | Support Cliff De Temple for 5th District Congressman ...
July 28, 2020 - West Bend, WI - Dear Editor.
I write to alert people about the primary election Tuesday, August 11. With the retirement of 5th district Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, we have an open...
Letter to the Editor | Why I can’t vote for Biden ...
July 19, 2020 - Richfield, WI = As I listen to the anti Trump hate, I wonder if anyone wants a President that will fight for the people.
I can’t and will not vote to...
Letter to the Editor | Big government is delaying building projects, economic growth |...
July 9, ,2020 - Washington Co., WI - As contractors know, in Wisconsin most commercial building plans must be reviewed by the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Standards (DSPS), or to a delegated...
Letter to the Editor | Kids and police need to be back in school...
July 7, 2020 - West Bend, WI - As a past school board candidate for West Bend, there are several things happening in schools for which I would like to speak. Let us start...
Letter to the Editor | Thanks for supporting the Allenton American Legion | By...
July 6, 2020 - Allenton, WI - A hugh thanks too everyone that came out and supported Fohl-Martin American Legion Post brat fry.
Plus a hugh thanks to all the volunteered. The money raised goes...
Letter to the Editor | Support July 16-18 Washington County Junior Livestock Expo |...
July 1, 2020 - Slinger, WI - The 2020 Washington County fair was cancelled. For some that simply means no rides, no cotton candy, and no great music. For others, it means a fair...
Letter to the Editor | Allowing public comments at West Bend School Board meetings...
April 18, 2020 - West Bend, WI - The West Bend School Board meeting on April 13 was a splendid example of what can be accomplished when stakeholders publicly speak up.
The school board violated...
A note of thanks | By Leo Kalisz
April 14, 2020 - Antioch, Ill - Good Day, My name is Leo Kalisz from Antioch,IL which is just south of the Illinois / Wisconsin border just south of Trevor, Wisconsin and a half...
Letter to the Editor | Jody Geenen best for WB School Board |...
April 5, 2020 - West Bend, WI - I am voting for only one candidate for West Bend School Board – true conservative, Jody Geenen. She is honest, accountable, transparent, smart, and works hard.
Letter to the Editor | Who is protecting our most vulnerable? | By...
April 3, 2020 - Slinger, WI - We are living in unprecedented times during the Coronavirus outbreak. The public, now more than ever, is relying on our elected officials, and administration at all levels...
Letter to the Editor | Vote Oscar Estrada for West Bend District 7 alderman...
April 1, 2020 - West Bend, WI - I recently became aware that a trusted colleague and dear friend, Oscar Estrada, is running for Alderman in District 7. I feel that it is my...