36.7 F
West Bend
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | I will be voting November 3, 2020 ...

September 15, 2020 - West Bend, WI - My vote on November 3 will go to President Trump. I agree with his basic premise of America first. As a country, we really  have to...
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Looking ahead to November election |...

September 11, 2020 - Washington Co., WI - Recently I have heard from a number of Conservatives/Republicans, having doubts about Pres. Trump. Very disturbing. I do not like some of his tactics, verbiage and temperament....
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Debates encouraged in Fifth Congressional District race ...

September 9, 2020 - Washington Co., WI - With Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner retiring from his fifth Congressional seat, it's tremendously important that citizens get an open and informed view of the prospective candidates to...
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Making the State House in Madison veto-proof ...

September 9, 2020 - Washington Co., WI - I read Carroll Merry’s comments regarding the efforts to getting a recall started to remove Governor Evers and he is right on. Efforts would be better spent...
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Don’t recall Gov. Evers, neutralize him with veto-proof legislature...

September 2, 2020 - Germantown, WI - While doing business errands today I noticed a make-shift corner display with some very well-meaning citizens asking passers-by to stop and sign a recall petition against Governor...
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Survey input on leadership, policy position and temperament ...

August 28, 2020 - West Bend, WI - I recently took a look at a survey conducted by the Pew Research Center that came out the first week in August.  It revealed why voters...
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Please preserve our Rustic Road in Town of Erin...

August 12, 2020 - Town of Erin, WI - A copy of the letter that was sent to the Town Clerk regarding Rustic Road 33 has been forwarded and posted below courtesy Michael Meidel. Dear...
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Why not save the scenic drive on Rustic Roads...

August 10, 2020 - Town of Erin, WI - A daily commute on Hartford's "Rustic Roads," can readily be appreciated as a scenic "Sunday drive," in most cases.  Its majestic trees and winding roads...
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Vote for Actions not Tone | By Jean Merry

August 9, 2020 - Germantown, WI - So, you can’t vote for President Trump because of the tone of his Tweets? But are you okay with how he put America back to work and...
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Support Cliff De Temple for 5th District Congressman ...

July 28, 2020 - West Bend, WI - Dear Editor. I write to alert people about the primary election Tuesday, August 11. With the retirement of 5th district Congressman Jim Sensenbrenner, we have an open...
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Why I can’t vote for Biden ...

July 19, 2020 - Richfield, WI = As I listen to the anti Trump hate, I wonder if anyone wants a President that will fight for the people. I can’t and will not vote to...
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Big government is delaying building projects, economic growth |...

July 9, ,2020 - Washington Co., WI - As contractors know, in Wisconsin most commercial building plans must be reviewed by the Wisconsin Department of Safety and Professional Standards (DSPS), or to a delegated...
Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor | Kids and police need to be back in school...

July 7, 2020 - West Bend, WI - As a past school board candidate for West Bend, there are several things happening in schools for which I would like to speak.  Let us start...
Allenton Legion brat fry

Letter to the Editor | Thanks for supporting the Allenton American Legion | By...

July 6, 2020 - Allenton, WI - A hugh thanks too everyone that came out and supported Fohl-Martin American Legion Post brat fry. Plus a hugh thanks to all the volunteered. The money raised goes...

Letter to the Editor | Support July 16-18 Washington County Junior Livestock Expo |...

July 1, 2020 - Slinger, WI - The 2020 Washington County fair was cancelled. For some that simply means no rides, no cotton candy, and no great music. For others, it means a fair...

Letter to the Editor | Allowing public comments at West Bend School Board meetings...

April 18, 2020 - West Bend, WI - The West Bend School Board meeting on April 13 was a splendid example of what can be accomplished when stakeholders publicly speak up. The school board violated...
Nancy and Jerry

A note of thanks | By Leo Kalisz 

April 14, 2020 - Antioch, Ill - Good Day, My name is Leo Kalisz from Antioch,IL which is just south of the Illinois / Wisconsin border just south of Trevor, Wisconsin and a half...

Letter to the Editor | Jody Geenen best for WB School Board |...

April 5, 2020 - West Bend, WI - I am voting for only one candidate for West Bend School Board – true conservative, Jody Geenen. She is honest, accountable, transparent, smart, and works hard.   While...

Letter to the Editor | Who is protecting our most vulnerable? | By...

April 3, 2020 - Slinger, WI - We are living in unprecedented times during the Coronavirus outbreak. The public, now more than ever, is relying on our elected officials, and administration at all levels...

Letter to the Editor | Vote Oscar Estrada for West Bend District 7 alderman...

April 1, 2020 - West Bend, WI - I recently became aware that a trusted colleague and dear friend, Oscar Estrada, is running for Alderman in District 7.  I feel that it is my...