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West Bend

VIDEO | Casey’s General Store in Town of West Bend, WI sold

August 26, 2021 – Town of West Bend, WI – The signage for Casey’s General Store on CTH P in the Town of West Bend came down earlier this week as the sale closed on the property just north of Mile View Road.
The Casey’s General Store, 5105 Highway P and the store in Hustisford sold to Lakhbir Sing.

Former Casey's, Tri Par, General

It was November 2018 when Casey’s first moved into the Town of West Bend. Casey’s purchased the former Tri-Par station owned by brothers Steve and Mark Gall.  In 2018 they sold seven Tri-Par stations in Washington, Dodge, Ozaukee, and Sheboygan counties.

Amber Mayer is the manager of the new Refuel Pantry West Bend. “This will be a BP,” she said. “We liked this location because we’ve heard good things about the products, the food is great including the chicken and fish, this is a nice road and it’s a good location.”


Mayer said based off of prior sales they looked at Casey’s numbers and compared that to Tri-Par receipts and thought there was room for growth.

Lakhbir Sing owns 22 gas stations including locations in Oshkosh, Lake Mills, Oxford, Sun Prairie, Fall River, and Hustisford to name a few.

HISTORY OF TRI-PAR: Tri Par was founded in 1930 by Herbert Gall, Clarence Gueller, and Jack Klein. The name Tri-Par was bestowed upon the business by a depot agent, as the men could not come to consensus and did not want any of their names on the bill of lading for a train car of gasoline. The German depot agent used the German word for Three, which is Drei , the English equivalent Tri, and Par as the shortened version of partner. Click HERE to read more.

According to Sing’s LinkedIn page he has an economics degree from UW-Parkside and is the principal owner of Refuel Pantry since August 2014. Sing is also the owner of a Big Apple Bagel store in Liberty Station since 2014.

Casey's, Hwy P, General, Refuel, General

As far as gas prices are concerned Mayer said Refuel Pantry West Bend will be “competitive.” Asked to define the word “competitive” Mayer said, “We are generally cheaper than most places; it will be competitive to local which is equal or less.”

The new Refuel Pantry West Bend will be open 5 a.m. – 10 p.m. There are 11 employees at the store on Highway P.

American Commercial Real Estate


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