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VIDEO | An eye-opening career fair at Slinger High School | By Clarissa Friday

April 27, 2022 – Slinger, WI – Slinger High School held a Career Connections Fair on Wednesday, April 27, 2022 in the lobby of the school’s Performing Arts Center.
career fair
The event was an opportunity for junior and senior students, who have a strong interest in manufacturing and construction trades, to meet with companies looking for young talent.

The event brought 39 companies from the surrounding area to meet with over 100 students from Slinger High School, West Bend High School and Kewaskum High School.

Students Emerson S. and Ellie Z. look over information provided by Weix Industries during the Career Connection Fair held at Slinger High School on Wednesday morning April 27, 2022.

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career fair
Todd R. manufacturing engineer technician at Weasler Engineering shows Nick P., junior at Slinger High School a part for farming equipment that is manufactured by Weasler Engineering. 

It took several months for teachers from the Slinger Technology and Engineering department to prepare and plan for this event.

The “speed dating” approach allowed for students to rotate every five minutes through each table greeted by individuals in different companies in the manufacturing and construction trades.

Senior and junior students from 3 high schools connect with 39 companies to explore career opportunities at Slinger High School on April 27, 2022

At the end of 18 interview rotations, students were given time to go back to meet with companies they found interesting or didn’t get the chance to meet during the rotation.

As for next year, organizer Russ Hermann “hopes to get more students and schools involved.”

Seniors of Slinger High School, Drew A., Drew F. & Tyler B. talk with Lindsey M, Human Resources Generalist at MEC at the career connection fair on April 27, 2022 in the lobby of the Slinger High school Performing Art Center.

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