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Slinger HS students host candidate forum | By Amy Keliher

Slinger, WI – The Slinger High School Student Council is organizing a forum for school board candidates on March 8 at 7 p.m. in the PAC at the high school. All four candidates appearing on the April 4, 2023 ballot have agreed to attend Including:

Heidi Gundrum Lofy

Brenda Lighthizer

Jody Melius Strupp

Christy Burg

The community is encouraged to attend.
The five Student Council officers will be the moderators of this event. Council president Jamie Rhodes is taking the lead by emailing the candidates. Officers will make decisions on which questions will be asked. There will be 8-10 total questions, and if there is enough time, guests may write a question and officers will read a few.

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“This is the first time Student Council has hosted a forum,” said English teacher Amy Keliher. “Since the school board makes decisions for students and learning, they thought it would be an excellent way to be a part of the process and gain leadership and communication skills.”
Other Student Council members will help as greeters at the door and will hand out flyers. Each candidate is given the option to have a one-page campaign flyer to hand out to guests at the event.
Social Studies students are encouraged to attend. American Studies III and AP Politics and Government have a class requirement to attend a local government meeting to observe and report, so this will count as an option.
The candidate forum will be recorded and shared on the district website following the event.
It’s a great leadership opportunity for the Student Council and a great way to hear the candidates’ position on educational goals.
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