January 29, 2021 – West Bend, WI – As the challenger to the two incumbents running for the West Bend School District School Board, I would like to warn taxpayers that, although the school board has remained relatively silent over most of the past year regarding the referendum that they were bent on passing, do NOT let your guard down. The calm is due to the unfortunate distractions of dealing with Covid-19 issues; the storm is likely to resume when the issues begin to subside.
After all, one of the sitting board members mentioned during a meeting last winter that her main purpose for being on the board is to make certain that Jackson gets its own brand new school. The current board has not been interested in pursuing the recommendations of the independent task force for building a school near the border that could be shared by the entire school district WITHOUT the need of another costly referendum. Please keep in mind that as a result of our new President’s executive orders, everything will cost a lot more, especially fuel for both transportation and buildings. We cannot afford to add more debt to the $30M+ balance of the Badger and Silverbrook referendums.
Furthermore, as Mark Belling has frequently pointed out on his radio show, the school palaces that were built in WI from passed referendums have not improved the education of our students. Buildings have little to do with failed or failing schools.
If you want a true conservative and excellent steward of your money who will pursue sensible and affordable facility changes instead of creating new referendums and local tax increases, vote for Jody Geenen for WBSD School Board on or before April 6. While you can pick two, vote ONLY for Jody, if you want it to count. Top of the ballot/Top of your mind!
Jody Geenen
West Bend, WI
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