38.3 F
West Bend

Crocheting, artwork and decorated cake take ribbons at Washington Co. Fair | Evelyn and Natasha Cantrall

Washington County, WI – Evelyn Cantrall, 17, of Fredonia, WI, would like to thank her mom, Jane Cantrall, for taking her to her first crocheting meeting. She received Reserve Grand Champion for her crocheting project at the Washington County Fair.
Evelyn Cantrall

Evelyn’s sister, Natasha Cantrall, 15, also received Reserve Champion for drawing and painting at the fair. She is a member of the Badger Boosters 4-H in West Bend.

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Natasha would like to thank her cake decorating teacher/sister, Lizzie Cantrall, and her drawing/painting teacher/sister, Haddie Cantrall.

Natasha Cantrall

Natasha is also a member of Badger Boosters 4-H in West Bend. She received Reserve Champion at the Washington County Fair for her cake.

Natasha Cantrall

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