42.9 F
West Bend

St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church to welcome new pastor with social after Masses on July 16, 2023

West Bend, WI – St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church, 1025 S. 7th Ave, West Bend, WI will be welcoming incoming pastor Rev. Father Jacob Strand with a coffee and donut social after the 8 a.m. and 10: 30 a.m. Masses on Sunday, July 16, 2023.


The Archbishop has assigned Father Jacob Strand as the new Shared Pastor of SFC and SMIC parishes for a regular term effective June 20, 2023. Strand was formerly the Shared Pastor of Holy Trinity Parish, Kewaskum, and Saint Michael’s Parish, Saint Michael.  He completed his time in those two parishes before transferring to St. Frances Cabrini in West Bend this summer.


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