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Man taken into custody following Wednesday morning incident | By Washington County Sheriff | Photo by Mike Wilson

September 1, 2021- Washington Co., WI – A 63-year-old Town of Addison man was taken into custody following a nearly two-hour incident on Arnold Lane just northeast of Allenton, WI.

According to Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis the dispatch received a 9-11 call just after 8 a.m.  There was a report of shots fired by a person who was talking about self harm.

Photo courtesy Mike Wilson

“Normally self harm doesn’t rise to the level of a tactical call but in this particular case, where he actually shot a firearm at the roommate, it changes things considerably,” said Schulteis.

The Washington County SWAT team, deployed and was able to secure the residents.

“Our negotiators began negotiating with the individual and I think we were negotiating in excess of an hour,” said Schulteis. “Our negotiators did a phenomenal job of actually talking him down and talking him to surrendering. So he was safely taken into custody with without incident and without harm to him or any of our officers. It actually worked out exactly the way we would have wished.”

A drone was also deployed so law enforcement could get a handle on the layout of the surroundings. Ozaukee County Sheriff’s Deputies were also called to the scene and they brought an armored vehicle because it’s a rural area with a long driveway, a lot of outbuildings.

“A lot of people think when the SWAT team shows up that is to escalate the situation, it’s exactly the opposite,” he said. “It is to prepare us, but the ultimate goal is to get the compliance of the individual and this scenario worked out exactly as it was supposed to.”

EMS was on scene for the other person who fled from inside the home. He suffered superficial injuries to his face.

Criminal charges are expected to be filed. Sheriff Schulteis said the charges will possibly be domestic abuse and recklessly endangering safety. The man in custody will also go through a mental health evaluation. Schulteis said charges are not expected to be filed today.

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