39.3 F
West Bend

West Bend VFW Burger Night on Wednesday, Feb. 26 features a special steak dinner and more | By Mike Henner

West Bend, WI – The West Bend VFW Post #1393 has a better-than-before Burger Night on Wednesday, February 26, from 4 p.m. – 7 p.m.


Mother Nature forced a delay on this Valentine’s Day steak dinner special. Come enjoy a bigger, better Burger Night with a steak option plus a Mushroom Swiss Burger.

The $16 steak dinner special features a juicy steak, baked potato, salad or soup option, dessert, and a complimentary wine or beer (or soda for our sober friends).

Reservations are strongly recommended with your name and guest count. Please send a private message to the VFW West Bend Facebook page or call and leave a message at 262-334-9190 and we’ll see you at the VFW Post, 260 Sand Drive in West Bend, WI.

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