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West Bend

VIDEO | Police confirm another bullying incident on bus in West Bend School District

February 27, 2022 – West Bend, Wi – An open records request has been filed with the West Bend Police Department following confirmation there was another fight with charges referred against a juvenile in the West Bend School District.

West Bend Police incident

Police Chief Tim Dehring confirmed via email an incident occurred Monday, February 21, 2022; a pair of 11-year-old students were involved. The incident reportedly happened on school bus No. 128 that carried students from Silverbrook Intermediate School.

One of the students reportedly suffered a concussion.


That same Monday, Feb. 21, 2022, parents from the district spoke before the West Bend School Board. Parents were upset about a different bullying incident involving a 14-year-old boy and a 10-year-old boy.

According to parent the 14-year-old was bit; administration later watched a video with the parent which showed the younger child attacking the older child with a sharp stick. The parent’s testimony is below.

The parent of the boy who was attacked was particularly upset she had not been contacted about the incident by the school district.

Click HERE for the full testimony from parents.

During that same meeting school board member Nancy Justman made the request that “administrators” ride the school bus.

On Thursday, Feb. 24, 2022, the West Bend School District sent a note home to families indicating “adults” would be on the bus. Calls were placed to the district questioning whether “adults” meant administrators as stated by Justman.

So far, no calls have been returned.

Parents and taxpayers did observe school bus loading practices Thursday and Friday afternoon at Badger Middle School.  According to reports, no administrators were witnessed boarding the school buses.

Calls have been placed to Superintendent Jen Wimmer for clarification regarding any added supervision to improve safety for students on the bus.

There’s no word yet whether parents were notified by the school district during the latest incident with the 11 year olds.

UPDATE: Below is an email from the West Bend School District dated March 1, 2022 in response to the Feb. 27, 2022 story.


This is a working story, and more information will be posted when details become available.

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