February 26, 2022 – West Bend, WI – In light of a recent situation where a student was repeatedly assaulted with a weapon by another student on the bus, I wanted to address behavioral problems at the West Bend School District. Bullying and disruptive behavior seems to be a constant issue that is not being dealt with.
Parents in social media groups are consistently chiming in with stories of incessant bullying escalating to the point of even having to remove their children from the district to find relief as their concerns are not taken seriously enough by administration. Why should innocent children be forced to live in fear of being hurt at school? There needs to be significant consequences for bad behavior; clearly whatever policies that are in place are not working or being followed.
We know that “hurting people hurt people,” however kids still need consequences. If adults behaved in these ways they would be arrested, and we are teaching kids that it is ok to treat people badly which will not serve them well in the long run. Some will argue that Social and Emotional Learning helps with bullying; prove it. SEL is teaching kids to manage symptoms of trauma rather than getting to the root of it.
Mental health is important, but when did it become the responsibility of the public school to provide healthcare? Can mental health be forced on someone who is not willing to receive it? Should the school district be providing healthcare to students without their parents’ knowledge? Is a COVID testing site really necessary? Are there not many local resources already providing these services that students in need can access? WBSD needs to get back in its lane, education.
Perhaps there is a better use of these funds with an already projected deficit of nearly $2.4 million in next year’s budget. This is including over $4 million of funds from one-time ESSER grants.
Without these grants the deficit would be over $six million. This is not acceptable or sustainable. The district continues to raise taxes and spending despite declining enrollment. Parents are pulling their kids out because their concerns are not being heard. More money is not the answer when the district is doing a poor job of managing what they have; drastic changes need to be made to operate within their means. Inflation has affected families all over the district, most of which did not receive raises, everyone has had to adjust their spending. Why should the district get a free pass?
It is time to elect new WBSD board members. Vote Melanie Ehrgott and John Donaldson on or before April 5.
Melanie Ehrgott
West Bend, WI
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I agree that the school district does not take a stand for the victims rights, their students. There is bulling, hate crimes on each other, drugs, sexual assault at parties, and assault in the That’s just in the H.S.
I had to pull my daughter out. She was openly harassed, stalked, and we filed complaints, then physically assaulted in the hall, right before classes could even start.
The kids filmed and shared these attacks. The WBHS did not reprimand the other girls even when shown video and texts. When the in school officer brought it to vice and principal….. nothing.
After the assault that officer called me and told me to file a formal complaint. I did and they arrested her for assault. And we got a restraining order the school had to keep her out halls my daughter was in and she could stay anywhere she was in town either. Plus probation and fines.
You can go to the police. Document everything,
Don’t feel helpless, it is not just plain kids will be kids or the police will think I am overreacting. West Bend is in that school and they know the kids and what goes on there. You have to advocate for your child.
I thank the officer for letting me know I could move forward and testifying for my daughter.
It seems the more the district looses sight of good ole common sense the worse things get. The district has been jumping on every band wagon out there– the whole social justice movement, SEL, Homosexual “rights”, ape to man evolution…..no wonder kids are so messed up. Parents, you are ultimately responsible for your children. Do what needs to be done for them. Fear God and raise your kids to do the same. The world is an anti-god place. Government schools included.
Why is the school board continually voting to raise the tax levy, for the last 3 straight years? Especially with all the money flowing in from federal grants, CARES/Covid, and ESSER grants (these can be used for practically anything). The ESSER grants will pay for curriculum; the current social studies resources that theschool board will be voting on in March are being paid for by ESSER. Check out the recent letters about these liberal, biased resources. We need new faces on the school board who will represent parents and taxpayers. The current school board votes to protect the teachers. Vote for Melanie Ehrgott and John Donaldson in April!
Ask why the school board continues to raise the tax levy every year? Why, when the district is awash in federal money, from federal grants paying for social emotion learning to COVID CARES and ESSER grants. ESSER money can be used for almost anything. The proposed social studies curriculum that the school board will be voting on (maybe voting for) is being paid by ESSER money. Read recent letters about the liberal, biased resources/text that are being proposed for Gr. 5-8 social studies. That’s why we need new faces on the school board, to represent the families, parents, and taxpayers, who are not interested in turning our students into lefty activists and would like to keep taxes from going up each school budget. Vote for Melanie Ehrgott and John Donaldson in April!