47.7 F
West Bend

Building home to Rose Maries Hair Designers is for sale by American Commercial Real Estate

August 30, 2020 – West Bend, WI – Watch for a For Sale sign to go up shortly at the corner of Chestnut and Main Street in West Bend as the building that’s home to Rose Maries Hair Designers is on the market, 408 S. Main Street.

408 S. Main Street

The property is listed by Adam Williquette, president of American Commercial Real Estate.

The building was constructed in 2002 and the parcel is priced at $239,000. Click HERE for details.

Prior to the hair salon moving in September 2011 the location was home to Morning Glory Coffee & Conversation owned by Marianne Olson.

American Commercial Real Estate

Morning Glory had been located in September 2000 across the street, 349 S. Main Street, in the cream city brick building when her delicious coffee and scrumptious homemade bakery outgrew the location.

The shop jumped kitty-corner to 408 S. Main where Marianne purchased a big coffee roaster and meticiously decorated for the ever-changing season.

The coffee shop which was later purchased by Mark and Tina Thull. The couple from Kewaskum bought the business in August 2008 but by December 2009 the Thulls were looking to close. After a brief hiatus they hired a new manager and reopened briefly in February 2010.

Prior to Morning Glory the southwest corner of Main and Chestnut was home to Rick Takacs and Meadowbrook Market.

Meadowbrook Market

Meadowbrook Market had fresh produce in the summer, pumpkins in October and Christmas trees in December.

The corner store had an open concept and car-dealership streamers of colorful flags above the lot. The corner sign featured a farmer in a straw hat holding an ear of corn. The building was razed in April 2002.

On a history note: Remember her big dog that laid on the carpet at the entrance to Morning Glory Coffee shop. The dog was a 100+ pound Samoyed. What was its name?


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