35.8 F
West Bend

Bridge repairs now underway on CH NN over US 45; ramp closures, detours in effect

August, 2021, Town of West Bend, WI – The Wisconsin Department of Transportation (WisDOT) have begun coordinating bridge repairs on County Highway NN over US 45

Department contractors are alerting the general public to the new traffic control pattern on US Hwy 45 from Paradise Drive to Friendly Drive that is currently in effect and will run through the month of October.

New temporary traffic patterns have also been established on US Hwy 45 and ramp closures off northbound US Hwy 45 at Paradise Rd exit, US Hwy 33 exit, and County Rd D entrance are now in effect. All southbound ramps both entering and exiting US Hwy 45 are open during peak travel hours. 

Construction at the bridge requires excavation that will impact traffic lanes along CTH NN. This work is a part of the US 45 rehabilitation project in Washington County. 


The department appreciates the patience of the local community in completing this work.

Click HERE for up-to-date traffic information.   Click HERE for project information.


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