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West Bend

VIDEO | Old WB Brewery site to be leveled for 181 high-end apartments

October 1, 2020 – West Bend, WI – Another attempt is being made to level the former West Bend Brewery and bring in 181 apartments and retail space..

HKS Holdings, LLC, plans to purchase and redevelop the former West Bend Brewery site at the intersection of N. Main Street and E. Washington Street.

Old West Bend Brewry to be leveled


HKS proposes a mixed-use development with 181 high-end apartment units and a commercial space for retail or a restaurant.

“We want to bring luxury, riverfront living to beautiful downtown West Bend,” said Tyler Hawley, Principal, HKS Holdings, Inc. “Our design is intended to optimize views and access to the Riverwalk and downtown amenities. We look forward to becoming a part of the downtown neighborhood.”

American Commercial Real Estate

Through a private sale, HKS is purchasing the approximately 3-acre site.

Many of the living units will have walk-out patios to the Riverwalk and views of the river and downtown.

If you remember, three years ago in 2017 there were plans to raze the brewery and when news first broke neighbors were disappointed and heart sick at the loss of another piece of history in West Bend.

Shirley McDaniel Schwartz My heart high has no skin or money in the game says “ no, no, no.” My brain, as simple as it is, sees the problems and the money needed to take an old building and make it doable in today’s codes. I hope whatever is done is tasteful for downtown and the history it holds and not the ultra modern, industrial look that says nothing to the history of downtown West Bend.

Russ Lange There surely can be something that could go into the building to preserve it and not another multi family building.

 West Bend Brewery
Sharon Harris-Nailen I never realized that was a brewery.
West bend dont need no more apartments. So much other stuff could be done to fix it up!!

Kevin Carsner Maybe Husars and Tennies Ace Hardware should go in it together. They do want to own all of downtown. Let’s just Not demolish another piece of history. Why can towns overseas have buildings 100’s of years old and still be in service? Oh, I know why. Government doesn’t have their hands in every little bit of it.

Richard Frank Is the WB Company Apartments 100% occupied that more are needed? Sad to see bits and pieces of Historic West Bend removed bit by bit.

Adam Bunkelman West Bend can find more ways to destroy the history than saving it.

Joan Dow Why can’t it be rehabbed in its current state? Leave the structure and history. They did it with the Enger Kress building. And Amity building. Maybe think outside the box. It can’t be cheap to tear it down!!

Chris Weston That is sad that so much of West Bend’s history has become irrelevant.

West Bend Brewery

Concept plans will be reviewed at the upcoming Plan Commission meeting on Tuesday, October 6 at 6 p.m. at City Hall Council Chambers. HKS looks to break ground in spring 2021.


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