48 F
West Bend

Large turnout for benefit for Cameron Apel’s bone marrow transplant

West Bend, WI – On August 17, the Moose Lodge 1398, hosted a benefit “Sociable Bike and Car Night” to raise money for a bone marrow transplant for one very special young man.

Six-year-old Cameron Apel has been diagnosed with severe aplastic anemia and is in need of a bone marrow transplant. Apel’s very brave four-year-old brother, Harrison, is a match and ready to give his healthy “bows and arrows” (bone marrow) to make his big brother Cameron better.

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The benefit brought in a total of $3,309.50 in addition to a sealed undisclosed donation. The cash was presented to the Apel family on Sunday.


The Moose Lodge would like to thank all of those who donated their time or provided raffle items and food. And THANK YOU to all the people who came out, whether you brought a motorcycle, a classic car, or just yourself. A great big thank you to the community for the financial support for this very critical bone marrow transplant for Cameron.




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