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Arrest made in bomb threat May 31, 2023 in Richfield, Wi | By Lt. Tim Kemps

June 22, 2023 – Richfield, WI –Washington County Sheriff’s investigators have made an arrest in connection to a bomb threat that was called into Quest Engineering Inc. in the Village of Richfield on May 31.
Village of Richfield
Dmarion Hatten Nash, a 19-a-year-old City of Milwaukee man and former employee at Quest Engineering is alleged to have called in two separate bomb threats on May 31 to his former employer.

The caller reported there was a bomb in the building, and they had one hour to evacuate, or the bomb would be detonated.

Nash was arrested on Monday afternoon June 19, 2023, with the assistance of the Menomonee Falls Police Department.

He allegedly resisted officers’ attempt to take him into custody and now faces resisting arrest and criminal damage to property charges in Waukesha County as well.

Washington County investigators were able to quickly identify the suspect in the bomb threats with the assistance of Quest Engineering and their technology support contractor.


Nash had been released as an employee the day before the threats. He is now charged with a felonies for terroristic and bomb threats in Washington County.

“Although the likelihood of these types of threats being real is minimal, public safety officials need to respond as if the community is in legitimate, potential danger because the safety of our community is paramount”, according to Washington County Sheriff Martin Schulteis. These threats result in significant strain on private and public sector resources. Quest Engineering estimates their losses at around $42,000 dollars in lost wages and productivity from the company being shut down for several hours during the investigation. Six different fire departments responded to the scene to assist along with several public safety agencies and a private bus company to assist with evacuation efforts. We appreciate the efforts of all of our partners who helped make this a well-coordinated and efficient response.

Below is the original story posted June 1, 2023 at WashingtonCountyInsider.com


Employee at Quest Engineering, 2407 Richfield Parkway, received a phone call on Wednesday, May 31, 2023, stating there was a bomb in the business, and it was going off in an hour.


The business evacuated 80+ employees to the Park & Ride. Two buses also were requested for temporary shelter for employees as weather was a factor.

Milwaukee Police was mutual aid for two bomb K9’s. After the “hour” had passed, sweep was done with the dogs, nothing located. Building was called clear at 6:16 p.m.

Major Crimes are investigating.

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