33 F
West Bend

Body pulled out of Fox River in Winnebago County just north of Fond du Lac County | By Katherine Mann

August 17, 2021 – Oshkosh, WI – North of Washington County and Fond du Lac County in Oshkosh Police are investigating an incident in which a deceased male was located in the Fox River to the East of Main Street in the City of Oshkosh.

On August 17, 2021 at approximately 9:17 a.m. Officers from the Oshkosh Police Department and Deputies from the Winnebago County Sheriff’s Office responded to a report of a body in the Fox River.

A boater contacted the 911 Dispatch Center and advised he located what appeared to be a body in the Fox River near the railroad bridge to the East of Main Street.

The Oshkosh Fire Department’s Water Rescue Team responded to the scene and were able to locate and remove the deceased male. He has been identified as a 37-year-old male from Oshkosh.

His death does not appear suspicious at this time. Investigators from the Oshkosh Police Department and the Winnebago County Coroner’s Office are continuing to investigate this incident.

If anyone has information regarding this incident, they are encouraged to contact the Oshkosh Police Department at 920-236-5700

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