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Bo and Dale want to know…are you ready for the Washington County Fair? | By Ella Walecki

July 16, 2022 – Washington County, WI – Who is ready for the Washington County Fair – I know Bo and Dale are. It’s sneaking up fast, only two weeks away. This past weekend we weighed my steers and to say the least we were surprised.


We project for about a 3.75-pound weight gain per day. Dale was on track when we weighed him 40 days ago but now when we weighed him again he has gained around 5 pounds per day in the 40 last days. I mean 5 pounds for real. Come on, man, slow it down. For the last 14 days, I have been trying to slim him back a bit. We got Dale on Weight Watchers; just feeding him enough to maintain and not gain anymore.

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It’s now bath time for Bo and Dale with fair creeping up.

How do you give a steer a bath you may ask?

Let me tell you… I walk my steers into a chute and tie them up then spray them down and put soap all around their body; time to scrub, scrub, scrub away. I let them drink from the hose while I give them a bath; they seem to enjoy it. Bo and Dale get the same treatment as us. The only thing I don’t do is brush their teeth.

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The support from the community is tremendous, from coming to watch us show to bidding on the animals on the night of the sale. A lot of buyers from local businesses come to the Fair each year to purchase steers, pigs, and sheep. I personally mailed and hand-delivered many auction letters to many companies.

Being a county fair exhibitor is one of the most rewarding things and that’s because of the support we receive from all of you. I would personally like to thank all of you who have been keeping up with Bo and Dale throughout the summer. I hope to see you at the Fair; I am with the Boltonville Firecrackers.

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