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West Bend

Seasonal blast from the past in West Bend / Washington County

October 23, 2020 – West Bend, WI – Here’s a little seasonal blast from the past. What can you tell me about this photo? Year, location, owner??  What’s there now?


pumpkins at Meadowbrook, past

And what was in the building to the left (south) of this location? How about across the street. For a long time it was Boerger’s Floral Shop.


  1. Meadowbrook Farms had a fruit and veggie market there.Across the street originally housed Schacht’s Service Station. I don’t remember the South side although originally it would have
    been a private residence. South of that was Naabs freezer plant,where Lori’s costume shop is now located. In between times it housed other businesses incl. City Bakery. Richard

  2. I remember the city bakery. My dad, Alvah Ostrander workef there, delivering to local grocery stores. My brother and I, Cheryl and Marvin use to go along on Saturdays. Those were the good old days. I remember when I was tired of going along, dad would drop me off at Sandy Kolkema house for awhile.

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