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West Bend

On a history note: Birds-eye view of construction on St. Mary’s steeple

October 9, 2023 – On a history note, St. Mary’s Church, 406 Jefferson St, West Bend, steeple had the shingles updated in 2016. Not many can say they’ve shared this view.


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Oct. 26, 2016 – Barton, WI – Photos from atop the steeple at St. Mary’s Church are courtesy Krause Konstruction. The crew is working to replace the slate shingles with synthetic slate. They will also be fixing the Roman Number III on the northeast face of the clock as the third letter ‘I’ is missing.



Some of the shingles are cracked and if you look at the back you can see the water damage which was leaking into the wood. The shingles date to the original construction of the parish around the 1900s.

The contractors said they’re finding bat guano under the shingles. Parishioners helped finance the project through the 160 Landmark campaign.


Note the beautiful view overlooking Barton. The project is expected to take a couple weeks.

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