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Birding field trip in the Northern Kettle Moraine Forest | By Rebecca Gilman

Fond du Lac, WI – The Wisconsin Society for Ornithology (WSO) will be hosting a field trip through the Northern Kettle Moraine Forest on June 5.   Join us to explore one of the best places in Wisconsin to encounter a wide variety of migratory and nesting birds.
Mourning Warbler field
Photo courtesy Jeff Baughman

The trip will be led by Jeff Baughman, former president of the WSO.  Participants will explore the different habitats and picturesque scenery of Kettle Moraine Forest as they look for birds, including Red-shouldered and Broad-winged Hawks, Pileated Woodpeckers, and an array of brightly colored warblers.

The day will begin bright and early at 6 a.m. so participants can enjoy the dawn chorus.

Field trippers are asked to bring good walking shoes as the day will include hiking, but at a leisurely pace on groomed trails.  Participants should also bring binoculars, water, and a bag lunch.  Please note that there is a state park entrance fee.

The trip is open to members and non-members of the WSO.  Beginning birders are welcome.  Field trips are free for members; non-members are asked to pay a nominal fee of $10 per adult.  Advance registration is required.  To register for the trip, please visit the WSO website at: www.wsobirds.org

Further details about trip logistics, including the trip’s starting point, will be sent to registrants prior to the field trip.

The Wisconsin Society for Ornithology is a non-profit organization whose mission is to promote the enjoyment, study, and conservation of Wisconsin’s birds.  For 80 years, the WSO has been one of the largest and most active ornithological organizations in the nation.  It has sponsored birding field trips, hosted annual conventions, published a quarterly journal and monthly newsletter, sponsored research grants, supported the conservation of bird populations and habitats, documented and evaluated rare bird records, and provided countless opportunities for people to enjoy Wisconsin’s birds.

Event: Wisconsin Society for Ornithology Field Trip


Place: North Kettle Moraine Forest

Time: Saturday, June 5   6:00 AM – 12:30 PM 

Admission: Free for members of the WSO and $10 for non-members

For more information: www.wsobirds.org


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