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“Best Flag Presentation” awarded in Hartford, WI | By Don Pridemore

Hartford, WI – The Hartford American Legion Post 19 is announcing the 2021 winner of the “Best Flag Presentation” contest.

This is the fourth year the contest has been held with previous winners coming from both the city and the town of Hartford. This year’s entries were submitted from surrounding communities including Slinger and Rubicon.


This year’s winners are Ken and Shar Leitner of 519 Tahoe in Hartford. They have decorated both the front and rear of their home in a very patriotic fashion. They are currently both retired. Shar was a small business owner in Hartford and Ken was a former police officer.

Ken and Shar will have their choice of two, from an assortment of US, State, 2nd Amendment, Freedom, and Gadsden flags. They also will be invited to be honored in the Hartford Fourth of July parade in 2022.

Next year we hope to expand the list of prizes by giving area businesses the opportunity to offer coupons or gift cards to shop at their stores or use their services and at the same time encourage area residences to add to or spruce up their current flag presentations.

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