42.6 F
West Bend

Beats for Heartbeats 2021 featuring David Crowder Saturday, September 18

Washington County, WI – Heartbeats Inc., of West Bend will be holding Beats for Heartbeats, featuring Christian music artist David Crowder, on Saturday, September 19, 2021, starting at 3:30 p.m. at the Washington County Park & Fairgrounds, 3000 County Hwy PV, West Bend, WI.


Heartbeats Inc. was established as a non-profit organization in 2020, but fundraising efforts in the form of an event, Beats for Heartbeats, began in 2019.

The mission of Heartbeats, Inc. is to celebrate the value of every life through the power of Christ. This is accomplished by acting as a conduit to provide support through awareness and fundraising for organizations that aggressively focus their efforts on benefiting abundant life for the most vulnerable, including:

  • Pro-Life and Pregnancy Counseling
  • Foster Care and Adoption Services
  • Combatting Human Sex Trafficking
  • Depression Counseling & Suicide/Euthanasia Prevention


Currently, Beats for Heartbeats raises funds through an outdoor music festival each fall in West Bend, WI. Future plans include expansion into other geographies with additional events.

The lineup for the event is as follows:

Click HERE to purchase tickets to this event. Children 12 and under are free.


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