West Bend, WI – An effort is underway to play a West Bend East vs. West Bend West celebration baseball game at the new Carl M. Kuss Memorial Field on Thursday, May 26, 2022. The West Bend Baseball Association raised over $2.1 million to refurbish the field with a new grandstand, press box, turf infield, and seeded outfield. Cold temps this spring have hindered growth of the outfield grass and the earliest possible game is targeting May 26.
There is a backup plan for June 24, 2022 should the weather not cooperate.
“There will definitely be baseball played at the new Carl M. Kuss Memorial Field this spring,” according to Prudence Pick Hway, a key player in the remodeling of the historic field.
Willie Mueller, President of the West Bend Baseball Association, and the WBBA’s Doug Gonring took a stroll over the weekend on the turf and through the outfield. Both agreed the field could use another month and warmer temperatures to help the outfield grass take hold.
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The West Bend Baseball Association and Pick Hway have been the integral force behind the $2.1 million project which included a demolition of the old grandstand ….
…and construction of a new facility which included an enclosed press box sponsored by Horicon Bank, dugouts, a turf infield, and…
…a grass outfield donated by West Bend Elevator.

Below is a photo of the hydroseeding of the outfield on August 31, 2021 at Carl M. Kuss Memorial Field.
So far, WIAA Spring High School baseball has had a challenging season with games rained/snowed out.
Click HERE to read about the history of baseball in West Bend, WI
Because the outfield at Carl M. Kuss hasn’t been playable, games have been held at the high school diamond off Decorah Road and River Road. There are four other baseball diamonds in West Bend, however some games are being played at the softball diamond at Fireman’s Park in Newburg.
“The turf field has lumps in it,” said Gonring, “We need to bring a real big roller out and roll the whole thing.”
“A lot of the water comes off the parking lot and kind of kind of sets in that corner,” said Mueller pointing to left field. “But it’s not in play. You can see on the field everything’s higher and fairly dry.”
The dugouts are dry as well, however the benches are missing. Mueller said Jeff’s Szukalski from Jeff’s Spirits on Main was going to bring tables and folding chairs, until the permanent benches are put in place. The portable mound is currently in storage underneath the grandstand.
Click HERE to make a donation or for traditional mail by USPS:
West Bend Baseball Association
PO Box 575
West Bend, WI 53095