35.2 F
West Bend

Barn a total loss following fire in Town of Jackson | By Sgt. Brad Rodich

March 25, 2025 – Town of Jackson, WI – On 03/25/2025 at 12:40 p.m., the Washington County Sheriff’s Office Communication Center received a 911 call reporting a barn on fire on Western Ave in the Town of Jackson. The Jackson Fire Department and Deputies were subsequently dispatched to the scene.

Upon the arrival of the first deputy, the barn was found to be fully engulfed. Jackson Fire quickly upgraded the response to the Working Still level and later to the 2nd Box Level for tenders.

A residence was in close proximity to the barn, and the first arriving fire units focused on preserving the residence. The home was able to be saved and suffered only exterior damage that was a result of the extreme heat.

The barn was a total loss, with combined damage estimates for the barn, barn interior contents and house damage of approximately $500,000.

The investigation revealed that a burning pit was being used earlier in the day near the barn.

It is believed that at some point the wind shifted and sparks from the burn pit ignited the barn. A portion of Western Ave was shut down for approximately 4 hours for the firefighting efforts.

The Jackson Fire Department was assisted by the Germantown, Richfield, Slinger, St. Lawrence, Hartford, Allenton, Newburg, Fillmore, Kewaskum and West Bend Fire Departments, as well as the Jackson Police Department and WE Energies.

March 25, 2025 – Jackson, Wi – Seven fire departments are on scene of a fully-engulfed barn fire in the 1900 block of Western Avenue in Jackson, WI.
Jackson Fire Department

UPDATE at 1:26 p.m.  Kewaskum FD and Richfield FD on scene with grass fire rigs. Conditions are very dry and sparking a lot of grass fires.

The initial call came in around 1 p.m. and was quickly elevated to a second box level.


This is a working story and more information will be posted when details are available.


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