28.1 F
West Bend

Banner day for Downtown West Bend


May 19, 2017 – West Bend, WI – Donning gloves and hoodies the team from the Downtown West Bend Association hit the streets with dedication today as Anna Jensen and her wing woman Carol Baranyk decorated Main Street with banners from the annual ArtWalk.

Local artists have helped brighten the downtown with their talents. The banners are sponsored by area businesses.

The Downtown West Bend Farmers’ Market opens at 7:30 a.m. on Saturday, May 20.


In Pokemon-Go fashion can you identify the location of the banner for this year’s Farmers’ Market? Take a stroll downtown and submit your answer in the comment section below. First one right, WINS! (I’m not exactly sure what you win… we could meet downtown and have a Saturday morning Bloody Mary at West Bend Tap & Tavern to kickoff the season if you like)   Good luck!












Dairy Queen Cake





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