37.6 F
West Bend

CHASE Bank in West Bend “temporarily closed”

October 1, 2020 – West Bend, WI – Customers leave in frustration Thursday morning as they find CHASE Bank on Paradise Drive in West Bend is “temporarily closed.”


chase bank

A note taped to the window advises customers to schedule a phone meeting and touts the “convenience” of virtual banking.

A call to CHASE ended in a 15 minute wait and an eventual connection to a customer service representative in India. That person could not answer what was going on in West Bend.

CHASE used to have three branches in West Bend including one on Highway 33 and Eighth Avenue. That branch closed in 2019.

The closest branch in Washington County is in Germantown.

Calls to that bank are picked up by an automated message.

Stay tuned. This story will be updated when more information becomes available.

Horicon Bank
Horicon Bank


  1. I went to the Paradise branch today finding 2 other cars in the parking lot. One lady shouted out me to read the sign on the door stating it was closed. She left and I passed on the info to others walking up to the door. I’m not going to repeat what one said. They both said they needed to take care of business that they couldn’t do through the cash machine on the west side of the bank. I just moved here 2 months ago from Illinois and was very disappointed to find out that the next closest Chase bank is in Germantown. This branch seemed to be very popular in West Bend. What’s up Chase??

  2. I’m guessing it’s Covid related and all their staff needs to quarantine for 2 weeks. Bank branches run thin on staffing so they won’t have anyone to fill in while everyone is in self isolation.

    • I was thinking the same thing. Hopefully not the case but makes you wonder what it could be if not that. Maybe not quite enough business? Too bad the other location closed here in West Bend. Sure is an inconvenience for people that have to conduct business with them.

  3. That’s my thought too.
    Kind of odd though since everywhere one looks inside, hand sanitizer galore and everyone wearing masks, despite to contradiction about them not preventing anything.

    • Maybe one the employees was around someone outside of work who has Covid or tested positive for it and they were truthful enough to inform management at the branch. Doesn’t necessarily mean they got it at the bank.

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