Photo courtesy Rex Rubenzer
Jan. 7, 2019 – West Bend, WI – West Bend police on scene of a bank robbery.

It occurred around 1:20 p.m. Monday afternoon, Jan. 7, 2019 at Chase Bank, 801 W. Washington Street.
West Bend Police said the incident is still under investigation. No injuries were reported. The bank is not open at this time.
Holy Angels Principal Mike Sternig said “There was no danger to anyone at our school. I wanted you to be aware that everyone is safe. This should not affect the usual pickup (unless you use the bank parking lot… and are not supposed to.)
Holy Angels School is located across the street from the bank at 230 N. Eighth Avenue.
The last bank robbery in West Bend was Feb, 25, 2016 when Westbury Bank was robbed.
This is a story in progress and more details will be posted when information becomes available.