26 F
West Bend

Bad accident on I41 near County Highway K | By Ruth Marks

Bad accident I41


Nov. 11, 2018 – Town of Polk, WI – Flight for Life is preparing to land on I41 following a bad accident near County Highway K.

According to reports a minivan flipped several times. The accident happened around 1:45 p.m. in the southbound lane of I41 just behind the area of Addison Station.

Reporter Ruth Marks is on scene and she was told by bystander that a woman has been transported by Flight for Life. It appears a father and daughter have been transported by ambulance to Hartford.

Currently (2:25 p.m.) Flight for Life is on the ground with ambulances nearby.

At 2:30 p.m. Flight for Life took off.

Appears three people were in a minivan.

Mud is on top of the minivan indicating it appears to have rolled over. The minivan is upright on the median shoulder of the southbound lane of I41.

On scene Slinger Police and Fire Departments, Allenton FD and ambulance, 2 Lifestar Ambulances, Washington Co. Sheriff, St. Lawrence Fire.

Northbound motorists are being advised to exit at Hwy 145 by Cabela’s and southbound motorists should exit at Hwy 33 in Allenton.

The interstate is backed up in both directions.

Flight for Life landing at scene


Emergency vehicles are on scene.

Please keep the family involved in this accident in your prayers.


On a side note: The section of I41 near County Highway K has been the scene of multiple bad accidents.

On July 8, 2018 at 7:44 p.m. the Washington County Sheriff’s Office was notified of a two vehicle crash, with injuries, on I41 south of CTH K in the town of Polk.

In October 2016 there was a semi rollover accident on northbound I41 and Indian Drive just past Highway K.



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