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Awards presented during annual gathering of Washington County Prevention Network | By Ron Naab


August 22, 2018 – Washington Co., WI – Several awards were handed out during the annual gathering of the Washington County Prevention Network.

The Business of the Year Award went to WTKM Radio of Hartford.  The radio station was recognized for its support of the Prevention Awareness Show.  This is a monthly informational program hosted by Tom Jeffrey of WTKM with representatives of Elevate and/or the Prevention Network members.

The second award was presented to Ann Naab of Allenton for her outstanding contributions to the Washington County Heroin Task Force.  She has been involved in promoting prevention and treatment by walking through parades, being a guide for the “Hidden in Plain Sight” display and being an integral part of proactive sub-committees.

Finally Stephanie Lovejoy was recognized for her involvement working with the Heroin Task Force.  Lovejoy is in recovery and has been very active making presentation to high school students throughout Washington County.


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