43.8 F
West Bend

Autumnal Equinox is this week… can you feel it?

September 20, 2022 – Washington Co., WI – Two more days left of summer and we’re taking stock… how did your garden grow? The Autumnal Equinox is Thursday, September 22.

At Fifth Avenue United Methodist Church in West Bend, Wi the parish is sharing its wealth with a sandwich board on the sidewalk that reads, “Please so feel free to gather tomatoes and any other vegetables.

Is it me… or was there a hearty tomato crop this year?

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As summer draws to a close what early signs of fall are you starting to see around Washington County, WI?

Chime in with your harvest success stories and let us know what you’re looking forward to this season.

PS – good news on the horizon as Rick has some great pumpkins ready for picking and the haunted cornfield will be back for another season at Meadowbrook Pumpkin Farm & Market.



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