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Germantown Police invest in automated license plate readers | By Chief Mike Snow

October 8, 2021 – Germantown, WI – The Germantown Police Department is partnering with Flock Safety to keep the community safe with the use of automated license plate readers.

Germantown police automated“The Germantown Police Department is committed to utilizing the latest technology available to boost our public safety efforts, while protecting citizen privacy and maintaining transparency with our community. Flock Safety technology aligns with all of these goals,” said Germantown Police Chief Mike Snow.
Morrie's job posting
The Germantown Police Department is looking for ongoing community support to keep these cameras and possibly add more throughout the Village.
If you would like to help support this partnership, please contact Chief Snow at msnow@germantownpolice.org
Horicon Bank


  1. How is this suppose to be truly effective when sooooo many cars are without front plates!! Start enforcing that law.

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