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Partial road closure beginning August 8, 2022 in Village of Germantown | By Village of Germantown

Village of Germantown, WI – There will be a partial road closure in the Village of Germantown on Country Aire Drive from Mequon Road to Freistadt Road beginning Monday, August 8, 2022.
Work includes the installation of sanitary sewer and water main on Country Aire Drive beginning just north of the Wrenwood entrance and ending near the north end of Friedenfeld Park.
Please follow the posted detour routes utilizing Hwys M, F, 145, G, and T. Local residents are asked to use extra caution when driving in the construction area and to obey all flagmen and construction signs. Alternate routes should be utilized if possible to avoid delays. Access will remain open to local businesses.
Detour route starting August 8, 2022.
Through traffic (Freistadt Road to Mequon Road) will not be allowed.
Access to Friedenfeld Park and Countryaire Kennels will be partially restricted throughout this project. Initially, the road will be closed between Wrenwood Drive and the Park Entrance.
During this phase, traffic will only have access to the Park and Countryaire Kennels from the North, coming from Friestadt Road.
After an anticipated two days of work, the project will have moved North on Country Aire Drive, and access to the Park and Countryaire Kennels will only be allowed from the South, coming from Mequon Road.
Access to Pheasant Lane and Wrenwood will be only from the south throughout the project.
This project is anticipated to take two weeks depending on weather and unforeseen issues.
The Village of Germantown appreciates your patience and understanding.
Motorists are reminded to abide by all traffic control signs and devices, as well as be aware of ongoing construction activities starting on August 8, 2022.

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