Washington County, WI – Since beginning the Assembly Campaigns and Elections investigation into the 2020 election, Chair Janel Brandtjen has received a plethora of information that supports the cause for a full cyber-forensic audit.
A majority of Republican county parties in Wisconsin have also formally requested the same. The demand for transparency is common in all requests.
This past Wednesday, Speaker Vos announced via press release a full cyber-forensic audit is a necessity for WI. The statement could be interpreted as if the entire Assembly GOP had been consulted prior to the announcement, though this was not the case. Regardless, I fully support what the press release is addressing. However, the responsibility cannot rest on one person.
The Special Counsel office, an unelected position created and funded by the Speaker alone, should report to the Campaigns and Elections Committee because they are elected by the people. Good leaders utilize their best resources.
Chair Brandtjen has a comprehensive understanding of the situation in WI and is the most qualified person to be leading this effort and contracting with any third-party auditors. In those efforts, full transparency must be ensured, so people can witness every step of the process as it occurs. Complete openness is key and urgency is a necessity. This alone will satisfy the demands of the people.
Governor Evers, The ‘Veto King’
There are many negatives associated with Gov. Evers and his administration, all of them well deserved. One of the most egregious would be his tendency to veto bills that would have tremendous benefits to our state. Of the bills passed this session, the Governor has vetoed 34 of them. Most of them were great bills relating to issues you care strongly about. These ranged from prohibiting mandatory vaccinations, to preventing churches from being closed, to school choice, to protecting the Second Amendment, to election integrity.
A lot of these bills were logical extensions of policies that were adopted under the Walker Administration and have proven to be successful. However, since Gov. Evers cares more about blocking anything Republicans want and fighting against Gov. Walker’s legacy, past successes don’t matter. Beyond that, his standard operating procedure is to pander to his small, radical base. I look forward to that change occurring soon and getting these good policies enacted into law.
NOTE: Ramthun is currently serving the Wisconsin State Assembly 59th District, representing Hartford, Kewaskum, and neighboring towns of Calumet, Sheboygan, Fond du Lac, and Washington counties.
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I find it very interesting that Rep. Ramthun talks about Gov. Evers small radical base that he is pandering to. If my memory is correct I believe that a majority of Wisconsin voters elected Gov. Evers as they were not happy with the policies of Gov. Walker. So why would the majority of those voters now want to go back to where the State was before the current Gov. was elected. Perhaps Rep. Ramthun could look a bit closer at how he might help bring the discussions more toward the middle instead of the far right or the far left where our elected representatives actually got something done other than calling each other names and pointing fingers at each other. Just a thought, maybe the middle is a good place to be on most issues when you want to see progress.