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West Bend

VIDEO | REAL ESTATE | End of an era as Hilltop Services auction wraps up 50 years in business

September 1, 2022 – West Bend, WI – The weather was sunny and pleasant as 50 years of business came to an end at Hilltop Services, Inc., 1410 N. Main Street, in West Bend, WI.

An auction held as Harold and Ann Schnorenberg have sold their property and are wrapping up 50 years in business. All purchases must be moved by Friday, September 2.


A full list of auction items is available by clicking HERE

A full list of auction items is available by clicking HERE


Harold and Ann Schnorenberg have made a big impact on that corner intersection. Jo-Ann Schmidt from Roger’s Radiator said, “They’ve been essential to the market just like our business has. Their towing operation, they’ve done a majority of towing for the city and their tire business and back when Jerry was on the corner with Barton Automotive, we always worked well together for the benefit of the customer.

“We weren’t interested in taking business from each other, instead our mission was to stand together and serve the community and we all bought into that premise.”

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Todd Schmidt, owner of Roger’s Radiator, said they were always very nice to work with. “They always had great rapport with the other shops in the area,” he said. “Excellent towing service and all-around friends and businesspeople.”

“It’s been a good working relationship with all of us. It showed a great small town understanding with incredible trust built up through working together. If one of us couldn’t handle it the other one would step in. We all did what we had to do to keep the stuff local,” said Schmidt.

Teamwork and consulting was commonplace among Hilltop and the other shops. “If something didn’t work out right for them, we’d go down there or vice versa they’d come up here and we’d help each other out,” Schmidt said.

The Schnorenbergs at Hilltop have been referred to laid back and running a comfortable shop. “You’d walk in, and they were easy to talk to and they always took a minute to figure out what you needed and took care of it,” Schmidt said.

Years ago that corner was also home to a gas station. “Jerry had the Mobile across at Barton Service and I think Hilltop had a Standard station,” Schmidt said.

Local historian Mary Moll said Ann and Harold have “always been kind.”

“They sent a tow to get me out of the ditch and then we both got stuck,” recalled Moll with a laugh. “Hilltop was so kind. A bill never came and when I asked, they said it was taken care of.”

There has been some rumor about State Bank of Newburg opening on Main Street in Barton, WI. Click HERE for details.

In 2021 the parcel on the corner of Hwy 144 and Main Street had a fair market value of $195,000 and was assessed at $165,100.

Horicon Bank

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