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Paving finally underway at CTH W / Railroad Street in Allenton | By Ron Naab

July 23, 2021 – Allenton, Wi – It is seriously a day many on CTH W/Railroad Street in Allenton thought would never come as work crews are finally paving the road just south of Highway 33.

road paving

The construction project at Highway 33 and CTH W has been underway since March 8, 2021. The project was to be completed in two stages.

road crews, construction, paving, CTH W

Stage 1 from Hillcrest Drive (East) to STH 33 and Stage 2 from STH 175 to Hillcrest Drive (East). Michels Corporation was going to grading, asphalt, curb and gutter, sanitary sewer, water main, storm sewer, culvert pipes, acceleration/deceleration and bypass lanes, and sight line improvements.

The project has hit a number of snags over the past few months with quite a few watermain breaks and unexpected delays including an incident March 12, 2021 when contractors put in a manhole assembly on Railroad Street and the a sidewall give way. Witnesses said a huge geyser shot up as a pipe was pulled completely out of the valve assembly. The incident emptied the 350,000 gallons in the water tower as the hole on Railroad Street filled with water coming in a 115-pounds of pressure.

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