56.8 F
West Bend

Assistant Superintendent Laura Jackson moves on from West Bend School District

August 17, 2022 – West Bend, WI – Laura Jackson, assistant superintendent of teaching and learning in the West Bend School District, has accepted a new administrative position in the Appleton School District.

west bend school district Jackson

Jackson dedicated five years to the West Bend School District since starting in July 2017.  Jackson oversaw much of the discussion regarding curriculum.

Prior to coming to West Bend, Jackson worked for nearly four years in the 

According to the district Dr. Jill Ries, director of curriculum and instruction, and Emily Melstrand, director of student services, will continue to lead the teaching and learning department.

  • On a side note, the district’s curriculum meeting was cancelled this week. The meeting notice was removed from the district website with no notice. A follow up on rescheduling will be posted once information becomes available.


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