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Sexual assault of juvenile female reported in Port Washington | By Port Washington Police

February 18, 2021 – Port Washington, WI – The Port Washington Police Department has put out a notice about a sexual assault.  Details are below.
Port Washington Police, assault
Sexual assault of a juvenile female in the White Pines Subdivision, Port Washington, WI
A sexual assault report was received on February 15, 2021, by our School Resource Officer (SRO). The actual assault had taken place approximately two weeks earlier.
The victim was walking her dog in the area of Aster and Evergreen Terrace when a vehicle drove up behind our victim and a male got out of the vehicle asking the victim to come over by him. The victim began to run and was eventually caught by the male and assaulted under a deck on Evergreen Terrace. The victim was able to escape.
SUSPECT: Older male, bigger body build with gray hair, yellow teeth, blue eyes, and a gold ring on left finger. Suspect was wearing a red polo shirt and khaki pants.
VEHICLE: Described as a silver/gray 4-door that may have bungee cords on the back trunk lid.
Please contact the Port Washington Police Department with any information at (262) 284-2611 or send an anonymous tip using TIP411. Text 847411, keyword PWPDTIP

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