Governor Scott Walker signed a pair of bills today at the Old Courthouse in West Bend designed to help in fighting substance abuse.
Act 388 (Assembly Bill 657) increases funding for Treatment Alternatives and Diversion programs (TAD) by $2 million.
The increased funding offers counties key alternatives to incarceration.
Act 389 (Assembly Bill 839) offers an additional option for some convicted drunk drivers to participate in successful 24/7 sobriety programs. The participants must take breathalyzer tests twice a day or wear an alcohol monitoring bracelet in lieu of ignition interlock devices. Studies show treating the underlying drinking problem decreases recidivism.
St. Mary’s Alumni and Fans,
St. Mary’s Athletics will be selling all remaining basketball, volleyball and cheerleading uniforms from our athletic program.
Saturday April 30, 2016 from 10 AM to 11 AM at the
St. Mary’s gym located 406 Jefferson St., West Bend, WI 53090.
Basketball jerseys-$5
Volleyball jerseys-$5
Gym shorts-$2
Full cheerleading uniforms $15
Come early for best selection! Great Alumni gift. Suitable for framing
**All proceeds will go to a charity, organization or group determined by the
St. Mary’s Athletic board.
** We will NOT be selling any equipment or trophies.
** Cash and checks made out to: St. Mary’s Athletics will be accepted as payment.
*** All sales are final ****
Please Tell Your Family & Friends
For additional information or questions contact Rob Ford at: