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West Bend

Around the Bend: Updates & Tidbits | By Judy Steffes


-On Monday, May 15 at 7 a.m. the traffic signals outside the new Meijer store, 2180 S. Main Street in West Bend will switch to full rotation. This past week the lights flashed yellow and red in an effort to prepare motorists for the new traffic pattern at the intersection of Humar and S. Main. Meijer opens Tuesday, May 16.

-This year’s recipients of the Rolf’s Educational Foundation Teacher Awards: Mark Drake – High School Category, Donna Goetz – Professional Special Services Category, Kylie Thompson – Middle School Category, Mickiah Wolff – Elementary Category.

-Forward Dental in West Bend is now providing Pediatric Dental Care. Dr. Stephen Froehlich will be accepting patients ages 13 years and under.

-There will be a dedication ceremony Saturday, May 20 at 1 p.m. at Holy Angels Cemetery on Main and Decorah to recognize the Civil War memorial stones being installed at all cemeteries in Washington County. This is the first of a number of ceremonies honoring our county’s Civil War vets.  This effort was, in large part initiated by Gene Wendelborn and Terry Vrana.

-Rep. Bob Gannon presented Dr. Tom Albiero of West Bend with the Hometown Hero Award this week in Madison. Gannon praised Albiero’s work and volunteer spirit with the Albrecht Free Clinic in West Bend.

– Two people in the district office in the West Bend School District have turned in their resignations including Chief Operating Officer Valley Elliehausen and Director of Accountability and Assessment Kurt Becker. Elliehausen has been with the district since 1997. Pending approval Elliehausen’s resignation will be effective June 14 and Becker on June 30.

– Holy Angels Student of the Month for April includes Emily Rauch, Alex Gonzalez and Nate Waech. Emily is a kind and friendly person who combines these personality traits with hard work and effort. Alex is smart and outgoing, with a lot of energy. Nate is a polite, confident, likable student.

– Jacob Beine, a junior at West Bend East, and Liam Hupfer, a junior at West Bend West High Schools both earned the highest possible ACT composite score of 36.

-The annual Ride of Silence is Wednesday, May 17 in the parking lot just south of the Museum of Wisconsin Art. The Ride of Silence aims to raise the awareness of motorists, police and city officials that cyclists have a legal right to the public roadways.

-The Eleventh Annual SAMBA Chicken Dinner is Saturday, May 13 in the Lions Pavilion in Allenton Veterans Memorial Park.

-Thanks to generous family foundations, corporations, community organizations, civic organizations, and the COLUMNS Foundation, West Bend High School seniors were presented with more than $680,000 in scholarships and awards. The Scholarship/Awards Night was held at the Silver Lining Arts Center.

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