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April 2020 contest for District 3 on Hartford Common Council

January 7, 2020 – Hartford, WI – There will be a race for alderman in Hartford in spring. Three of the aldermanic seats are up for election.

City Hall in Hartford

Dennis Hegy, alderperson in District 2 is running again as is Jeff Turchi in District 1.  Both will be unopposed.

In District 3, Hartford City Council President Barry Wintringer filed non-candidacy. He has been in office nine years.

As of the 5 p.m. deadline tonight there were two people who filed papers for that district including Kyle Sikora and Kathy Isleb.

Some may recognize Isleb’s name; she used to be an alderperson several years back.

Ironically Isleb was the incumbent in District 3 when she lost to challenger Barry Wintringer in 2011.

The race in District 3 in Hartford will be on the April 7, 2020 ballot.

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