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West Bend

April 2, 2019 ballot order announced for Kewaskum School Board race

Jan. 3, 2018 – Kewaskum, WI – Four candidates, including two incumbents, are running for two seats this April on the Kewaskum School Board.

Three candidates filed paperwork on the Jan. 2, 2019 deadline including incumbent Timothy Ramthun along with Doug Gonring and Craig Staffin.

Gonring ran as a write-in in April 2017.

Ramthun has been on the board five years.

Mary Miller is also running as an incumbent. She’s been on the Kewaskum School Board for 12 years.

The two open seats each carry three-year terms.

The drawing for the Spring 2019 Election took place Thursday afternoon.  The official order for the 2019 Spring Election (April 2, 2019) ballot is:
Timothy Ramthun
Doug Gonring
Mary B Miller
Craig Staffin
American Commercial Real Estate
United Way

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