51 F
West Bend

 Apple Barrel General Store – Final Closing Sale

West Bend, WI – After nearly 20 years of business in downtown West Bend, the Apple Barrel General Store, 229 S. Main Street, will be hosting a final closing sale on all of its inventory following the passing last December of its proprietor and man-behind-the-counter James Gundrum.

Apple Barrel

The full contents of the antique and collectibles store will be discounted and priced to move during a 3-day sale Saturday, June 12 – Sunday, June 13 from 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.

Furniture, paintings, beer memorabilia, hand tools, glassware, antique hardware and fixtures, fishing lures, vinyl records, antique Christmas and Halloween decorations, glass ornaments, military artifacts, photographs, postcards….

industrial hardware, vintage cameras, hats, books, oil lamps and light fixtures, kitchen supplies and home decor, model trains, musical instruments, advertisements and ephemera, books, typewriters, smoking pipes, crockery, trunks and suitcases, old toys, and much, much more.

Sales will be made via cash or check only, no early viewing or sales, first come first serve. Street parking only, extra hands will be available to assist with carrying and loading.

We are grateful to the community for nearly two decades of business at the Apple Barrel and invite you to join us for its final weekend.

The Gundrum family

Horicon Bank

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