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West Bend

Annual Rock River Bierfest is June 12, 2021 in Mayville

Mayville, WI. – The 6th annual Rock River Bierfest will be held in Mayville on Saturday, June 12, 2021 from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. This year’s event will be a little different. It will be held inside and outside at the Mayville Park Pavilion to help spread out the crowd.


Rock River Bierfest


The event features beers, ales, and IPA’s from regional and statewide breweries. Food is provided by local establishments and is included with the price of admission. There will be live music and plenty of new fun activities which will mostly be outside.

The event sells out early. Watch for up-coming ticket information and future news releases. You may find information at  www.rockriverbierfest.com or follow the event on Facebook.

The Mayville Rotary hosts the event, and it is sponsored by area businesses. Profit from the event goes to projects and charities in the community.

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