May 19, 2022 – Hartford, WI – Hartford Union High School, 805 Cedar Street, Hartford, WI, announces the 2022 Junior Prom Court.

The King and Queen were voted on and crowned the night of the Prom. Congratulations Aryan Kalluvila and Taylor Kutz for being crowned the 2022 Prom King and Queen.
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Front row left to right: Melina Kurth, Grace Lawler, Delaney Benson, Cayla Gishkowsky,
Avery Krenz, Kacy Kratz, Alexia Hughes, Clara Kenney, Taylor Kutz and Lilly Roskopf.
Back row left to right: Noah Deibert, Nash Merklein, Nick Janicki, Landon Hron, Garrett
McFarren, Bly Bielmeier, Aryan Kalluvila, Austin Kutz, Andrew Alsum, and Jackson Kujawa.