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West Bend

An extra special time of year for Allan Kieckhafer | By William James R. Schroeder Sr.

Dec. 17, 2018 – West Bend, WI – For children and adults alike, Christmas is a special day. For Allan Kieckhafer, the day has always meant a little more. This year December 25 marks Kieckhafer’s 95th birthday.

Allan Kieckhafer

The celebrations are in full swing for the lifelong resident, businessman, and philanthropist of West Bend.  Kieckhafer, a member of the Noon Rotary Club of West Bend since 1978, enjoyed cake and plenty of good cheer during the club’s Monday lunch meeting at West Bend Tap + Tavern.

Before blowing out his birthday candle, someone in the room reminded Kieckhafer to make a wish. Of course, nobody asked what it was for.

After the candle was extinguished, Kieckhafer couldn’t contain himself and blurted out, “Anybody going to ask me what I wished for?!”

In unison, everyone replied “No, it won’t come true!”

Not to be deterred, Kieckhafer held his hand up and defiantly said, “Five more years!”

Kieckhafer, a longtime supporter of UW-Washington County, was also honored last Friday evening during a concert at the Theatre on the Hill. During the performance’s intermission, the emcee of the event announced Kieckhafer would turn 95 on Christmas day.

“Three hundred and six people all sang happy birthday to me,” Kieckhafer said. “I damn near cried!”


Click HERE to watch a rebroadcast of the United Way ceremony honoring Kieckhafer with the Cliff and Betty Nelson Volunteer Award.

United Way


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