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West Bend

American Legion Post 36 in West Bend to celebrate centennial | By Donna Kleinmaus

August 24, 2019 – West Bend, WI – The American Legion, Lt. Ray Dickop Post 36 is turning 100 years old and is planning to celebrate at the post located at 712 Park Avenue in West Bend on Saturday, August 24, 2019 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Everyone is invited!

American Legion Post 36


The post was charted on August 30, 1919 with D.J. Kenny as Post Commander. The organization as a whole traces its roots to March 15 – 17, 1919, in Paris, France, in the aftermath of World War I.

The American Legion was federally chartered on September 16, 1919, and quickly became an influential force at the national, state and local levels, dedicated to veterans, military personnel, youth programs and patriotic values.

The American Legion has grown to have more than 13,000 posts around the world and more than 2.2 million wartime-veteran members. Throughout its first century, The American Legion built a legacy on such accomplishments as leading the way to create the U.S. Flag Code, helping start the Veterans Administration, drafting and getting passed the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 – the GI Bill – which transformed America in the second half of the 20th century, and helping veterans receive benefits for health-care conditions based on their honorable service.

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The American Legion has nearly 3,000 accredited service officers worldwide who assist veterans with their benefits claims and other concerns. Post 36 is named for Lt. Ray Dickop who died in the line of duty in Fismes, France on August 4, 1918. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross and is one of Pershing’s 100.

The post is heavily involved in supporting the West Bend Community and surrounding area. They actively sponsor youth programs, community programs, outreach programs, and scholarships. Members of the post make regular health and welfare visits to injured and sick veterans.

The post has taken on the responsibility of placing American Flags on city streets and members dedicate time providing special event services at parades, funerals, cemeteries and special events.

Posts 36’s dedication to the community dates back to the beginning. In 1924, Legion members helped fill over 2,000 sandbags to protect West Bend from the flood waters and assisted the police in patrolling West Bend during the flood.

West Bend Police and the Doughboy Statue in West Bend




In 1927, the post organized the dedication of the Doughboy monument at the Old Courthouse which brought more than 12,000 people to the event. In 1928, Post 36 was responsible for purchasing and donating the 5 acres of land that the original St. Joseph’s Hospital was built on and in 1930, the post organized the dedication of the West Bend Airport.


The list continues through the decades. Lt. Ray Dickop Post 36 is proud of its accomplishments and would like to invite everyone to help celebrate their 100 year anniversary on Saturday, August 24, 2019 at 712 Park Avenue, West Bend.



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