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VIDEO| American Legion Post 36, West Bend, WI, observes Armed Forces Day, Saturday, May 21, 2022 | By James Maersch

West Bend, WI – American Legion Post 36 of West Bend, WI will be observing Armed Forces Day on Saturday, May 21, 2022.

flag, armed forces
Observing Armed Forces Day
At 9 a.m. members of the American Legion, Sons of the American Legion, Legion Riders, and volunteers will be placing flags on gravesites of veterans at both Washington County Memorial Park, 3358 Paradise Drive, and Holy Angels Cemetery, Decorah Road and Main St., West Bend, WI.

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“This is a combined effort where everyone gets involved,” said Coordinator Chris Schatz. “It is gratifying to see so many volunteers honor those who have served our country.”
Anyone interested in becoming involved should meet Chris at Holy Angels Cemetery, or Steve Rohde at Washington County Memorial Park around 9 a.m.
On the same day, American Legion members will be installing United States flags on light poles throughout the downtown area, as well as Barton and Veterans Plaza on the corner of Fifth Avenue and Poplar Street. “Each flag is dedicated to those who are serving our country as well as those who have served,” said Coordinator Jim Maersch.
“It is our way of expressing appreciation for those who have dedicated their lives to serve our country.”
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“Some flags will fly year-round at two locations.”   At Veterans Park, four flags will fly to honor the four chaplains who, when their troopship was torpedoed during World War II gave up their own life jackets to save the lives of their fellow shipmates.  Flags flying in Old Settlers Park will fly honoring First Responders, EMTs, Police, Firefighters, hospital caregivers, and all who serve our community,” said Maersch.
Armed Forces Day was established in August of 1949 to enable honoring all military services on the same day.

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